October, 2014 |
38th Annual Cypress Hills Registered Horse Breeders Association Production Sale
They say records were made to be broken…that was truly the case in the sale ring on Saturday at the 38th Annual Cypress Hills Registered Horse Breeders Production Sale. The longest running horse sale in Canada drew in a good sized crowd of horse enthusiasts from British Columbia to Manitoba to watch a solid lineup of horses sell. A nice, sunny day made the perfect setting for the preview of the riding horses at the Rodeo Arena that morning. The sale was underway in the Drill Hall at 12:30 and by mid-afternoon a total of fifty horses had sold.
The over-all sale average on those fifty head was $5404 each. $1962 was the average price on 27 weanling foals sold. One yearling was sold for $8000. Twenty One riding horses averaged a price of $9919 a piece and the top ten average on broke horses was $13,735. The top 5 horses averaged $18,050 each.
Solid, dependable kind of horses seem to be in high demand as well as young stock coming from proven bloodlines. There were interested parties bidding on the phone from Quebec, North Dakota, Wyoming and points in between.
The former high selling broke horse record was held by Dean Mackie from 2008 when his, then 8 year old gelding brought $14,500. There was a tie this year for the High Selling Broke horse title. Lot 49, DC RED WRANGLER a 7 year old sorrel gelding consigned by Lonesum D Ranch sold for $20,000 to Darlene Kreps of Bonnyville, Alberta. “Keeper” as he was affectionately called by the Dyck family, was a money winner in Ranch Horse shows and had a really nice handle on him, being shown straight up in the bridle on sale day.
Lot 45, registered with the American Quarter Horse Association simply as “Paystreak” was a nicely started 2 year old. The sizey bay gelding was sired by Ninety Nine Goldmine and consigned by William & Donna Beierbach. He also brought $20,000, selling to Erica Brost of Irvine. The buyers of the high selling broke horses received embroidered blankets donated by Murray Chevrolet Buick GMC Maple Creek and the Cypress Hills Registered Horse Breeders Association.
Reserve High selling broke horse was Lot 17, DC Bluejays Pride, known as “Stonewall”. The 6 year old grey gelding also came from the Lonesum D Ranch. A real crowd pleaser, Shown by Tamara Dyck on sale day, Stonewall laid down on command, rode bridleless and was a definite eye catcher. He indeed caught the eye of Joyce Petry of Bonnyville, Alberta fetching a final bid of $18,000.
The high selling foal, and also a new record, Lot # 40, HIGH ON A MINE was a fancy black stud colt out of Rena High Dasher & sired by Ninety Nine Goldmine. The stud colt brought a final bid of $7000 from Chloe Crossley of Moosomin, Sk. Reserve high selling foal (tie) Lot 5 and Lot 28 also brought final bids of $5000, both were sired by Ninety Nine Goldmine. Chloe will receive an embroidered horse blanket donated by Cypress Motors Ford, Maple Creek for being the winning bidder on the High Selling colt.
The volume Buyer for the day was Wilson Ranch of Maple Creek purchasing a total of 4 head. |
September, 2012 |
Fall is definitely in the air here! The slick summer coats on the horses are starting to stand up and be replaced with a dense winter carpet of fuzz! The leaves are changing, the grass has long since lost that lush green color it had most of the summer, feed it put up & we are starting to think about weaning our foals.
We are thrilled with the quality of the mares on 99’s book this past season. Foaling season 2013 will be as exciting as ever. The 99 offspring that are out and about competing this year are making their owners proud, and us as well. The Yearlings and weanlings we’ve kept here at the ranch are looking wonderful. I’m going to update the offspring pics page to give a better idea of the uniformity of 99’s get.
We are very excited about combining the genetics of two of perhaps the most prolific barrel horse sires to stand in Canada… Crimewave and Ninety Nine Goldmine, both NFR producing sires. Milt Rigetti, William and I handpicked several mares this spring that we think will cross well with 99. Milt had bred a few Crimewave daughters to 99 in the past, with pleasing results. It’s also interesting to note that he’s got a few 99 daughters in his broodmare band that he had crossed on his beloved Crimewave prior to his untimely passing. Crimewave carried the successful First Down Dash/ Beduino cross, being an own son of FDD and out of Antheria, a daughter of Beduino. I Will update some pics & pedigrees on these mares soon.
99’s at Work this summer:/ more news
RC PACKIN GOLD & Renie Schnitzler
-Won $ at their first CCA rodeo entered.
-2nd in the 1st go round of 'The Classic Derby' - ran ad 17.697 on a regulation pattern
they were 10th in the Average at the Classic (this was Renie's 1st time entering a barrel race like this) -Placed at several CCA rodeos this 2012 season.
KRK Goldmine and Connie Schnitzler
-ran a 17.75 on a regulation pattern at Unity CCA rodeo (2nd place).
Katies Mine
-Finalist at The Classic Derby in May
-Finalist at the Silver Sage Derby in June, ran the fastest time of the weekend in the short go but tipped a barrel.
-1st in 2nd go of The South Country Derby, Also 1st in 1D jackpot
-Reserve Champion South Country Derby Average by 1/100th
-Outran the field at the UBRC/PISTOLS & CRYSTALS SHOWDOWN at Billings on Aug 24th by 4 tenths.
-Won the WPRA sidepot at the Barrel Of Gold open 4D Jackpot @ Billings, Mt. on Aug 25th
-Borderline Barrel Race in Havre, Mt. ran a 17.7 and a 17.6 to end up 2nd in the average by 1 100th
-But for a tipped barrel at Pincher Creek, AB in Aug. – would’ve placed in her 2nd pro rodeo ever entered.
Ran fastest time at Heartland Futurity/open race over 300 runs (caught 2nd leaving it though) 17.3
KRK Straw & Sandy Stewart
-JJ Classic Futurity in Verndale, MN was the 1D Champion in the JJ Breeders Incentive.
-2nd in a round JJ Classic Futurity
-4th in the Average JJ Classic Futurity
-4th in a round at the Northern Lights futurity,
-Highest placing futurity horse off a nominated stallion at the Northern Lights Futurity
-CBHI bonus money in 1st Go
RC Sail To Gold & Vicki Small
Saddle winner at the Lynda Ottun Memorial barrel race in Billings
Center Ice Gold – Ashley Waterston
2nd in the 1D average at the Double Dollar Barrel Racing Finals in Thorsby
RC Brooks A Streakin
- field of over 650 head at the ANHA SHOOTOUT Waco, TX Sept 1-3 placing 9th in 1st go 17.275 and 6th in 2nd go 17.175 on standard pattern.
-winning @ High School Rodeos |
January, 2012 |
Well, it’s a new year and with it comes hope and anticipation along with new goals and dreams. 2011 will be hard to top in a lot of ways. Our family remains healthy & happy, our horse business continues to grow & expand, cattle prices are better than they’ve been in decades, the feed pile is plentiful and we’ve been enjoying a nice warm spell this winter.
I’m late with my “news” as usual but I really wanted to get a few pics from a friend of mine to share with everyone before I posted an update. We attended the NFR in December to cheer on Jane Melby and RC Back In Black. We got into Vegas on the afternoon of the 8th day of the finals. Almost as if it were planned, Jane and “Beauty” won the round that night! Jane insisted William and I, along with Diane & Alyshia Moe (former owners, trainers & jockeys of Back In Black) join her & her family on stage for the buckle presentation at the South Point Hotel. While we were up there, a video of Jane’s winning run was played on the big screen behind us and Flint Rasmussen did a brief interview with Jane before she was presented her buckle & bottle of Pendleton Whiskey. We were very honored and thankful to have been able to share this experience with the Melbys. Jane and Beauty ended up winning the 10th go-round as well… I can’t even describe how excited we were to get to see her win 2 of the 3 rounds we were in attendance for. They had also won the 3rd round earlier in the week, then after the 4th round, Jane rode RC Brooks A Streakin (also by 99) for 2 go’s while she gave Beauty a rest. The NFR was Brooks’ 6th rodeo ever. Jane’s daughter Cayla is his main pilot, mainly running him at high school rodeos and a couple futurities before that, yes, he’s 5! Cayla thought he “coulda done better” at Vegas, but we thought he had a fair showing for such a young lad. I think he was 2 tenths off Martha that first run he made. I should mention one of the rodeos included in his lifetime count happened to be the CFR in Edmonton in early November where he placed in a couple rounds as well as the average ;) Both Brooks & Beauty were raised by Jim & Brenda Hughes who stood 99 before we owned him. Few stallion owners ever get the chance to see a dream like this unfold before them. Ninety Nine “happened” to us for a reason, not sure what that is exactly yet but we are forever thankful that Brenda offered us the opportunity to own him when she did. Thank You Brenda!
While we were in Vegas, we got to meet several of the people from Jane’s “fan club” that also own/ ride 99 offspring. We’ve had contact with most everybody over the phone & on the computer before, but it sure was nice to meet everyone in person.
It’s nearly time for the 2012 Stallion Breeding Fee auctions to begin! We have included 99 in the JJ Classic Futurity auction, http://ubra.org/JJClassic/JJBIStallions.html , the MBRA http://www.mbra.us/stallionserviceauction.html as well as the CBHI Superstakes Stallion Auction. http://www.canadianbarrelincentive.com/super_stakes.htm We are also enrolling him in the WPRA/PESI incentive program, for forms & info check out www.wpra.com .
We are saddened to hear that Sharon Ferguson, who has been instrumental in the formation of the CBHI and the functioning of it, has become ill. We appreciate very much all the work her & the rest of the CBHI crew have done in creating this fabulous program for Canadian stallion owners and barrel racers. To try to help Sharon with medical costs, we will be auctioning off one of the shirts that Jane Melby wore at the 2011 NFR! Watch our FB page for the online bidding. Wouldn’t it be a neat gift/ inspirational item to give a junior barrel racer to wear or just for someone to have as a memento from an NFR barrel racer?! Please help us support this worthwhile cause! There are also jackpots going on throughout Alberta and even in “little Canada” in Arizona with a portion of the proceeds headed the same way. Every little bit helps!
In closing, we’d like to wish everyone a safe, prosperous 2012!
... the Beierbachs |
August update, 2011 |
Well...I haven't submitted a news update in quite a while & it's not because there nothing to talk about... We had the busiest breeding season yet this year. It sure was exciting to see & hear from clients as each of their mares foaled or was checked in foal to 99. We are proud of the caliber of mares bred to him this year and the ones already booked in for 2012. Each wobbly legged, wet haired newborn foal presents an exciting set of dreams & promise to their owner. I love it when we get an email from a proud owner with a picture of their future superstar or the bubbly phone call from the mare owner as they share the news about their "baby". I don't think I will ever get tired of that part of the business!
We went to a few rodeos this summer but are finding it harder and harder to get away from home. Commitment to our breeding customers took precedence over the rodeoing. If it meant turning out of the rodeos, we did. If it meant collecting at 4 am before we left, we did (sorry for the early mornings 99) if it meant driving an extra 6 hours or so back home to get semen sent out...we did that too...sometimes on VERY short notice. We sure hope that this crazy sort of dedication and faithfulness to our clients pays off down the road. We really need to Thank our family for helping us out during the peak season too ~ it's not only busy at the breeding barn around here during that time...we are also trying to calve heifers, seed crops, move cattle, brand calves, fix fence, irrigate, etc at that time of year. So THANK-YOU Ross & Heather and Ann Marie for always being "on call".
Ninety Nine's offspring continued to do well this summer/ fall. The 5 offspring that are being futuritied this year are making themselves noticed. RT Shadow and Heather Cummings won the JJ Classic Futurity in Minnesota and also had fast time at the MBRA futurity. RC Dannons Dash O Gold won a futurity side pot at the Race for The Roses earlier in the spring, RC Brooks A Streakin won a round at the JJ Classic/ UBRA world show and his carry over time was faster than 275 runs in the open. RC Packin Gold and Sandy Stewart made several short go's as Katies Mine also did for me along with winning the Silver Sage Futurity. Alyshia Moe and her gelding Simon Ninety Nine picked up maturity checks as well. Meanwhile on the WPRA rodeo trail, RC Back In Black and Jane Melby had a rough but rewarding year. "Beauty" as Jane calls the mare, got her foot caught in the stall at one of the spring rodeos and had to be sidelined for about a month. Later on during "Cowboy Christmas" she abcessed and was out for another month. Despite these setbacks, the duo was able to qualify for the NFR and the CFR. Pretty impressive accomplishments for a 7 year old horse in her first real season of rodeo.
As for things around here...William bought a new spotting scope so he & Tate have been out "scouting for deer" a few times. We will probably wean the colts here in the next few weeks, seems a shame to bring them in off grass, it's been such a great year for the pasture. For now they are acting like a real friendly inquisitive bunch, hope they stay like that when it's time to go to halter them :)
Heather Cummings & RT SHADOW (by Ninety Nine Goldmine) with their winnings from the JJ Classic futurity. The event takes place in Fergus Falls, Minnesota. UBRA WORLD & JJ CLASSIC
Paid over $68,000 in money plus $10,000 in awards!
August 5-7th, 2011 |
Spring Update - 2011 |
Spring is such a busy, stressful time...but it's also one of my favorite seasons. Long overdue this year, I think we appreciated those first few sunny days more than ever before! The "to-do" list seems never ending right now & the recent rains are putting us even farther behind with the field work.
We've been busy foaling, calving, choring, breeding, shipping semen, raising kids, riding etc etc. We did take the time to kick the rubber boots off the other day & get cleaned up for a family flick on the way to Tates' Playschool wind up. My Mom reminds me to ensure to make time for these little moments despite the rat race this time of year always brings! We continue to get positive feedback from owners of 99's offspring. Jane Melby is in the standings for the 2011 NFR on her mare. They set an arena record at Houston this year! Two other 99 geldings won futurity side-pots at the Race For The Roses in Minnesota recently as well!
We are so proud of the crop of colts we've got on the ground this spring. The 99 babies look amazing, some neat colored, but all of them are correct & classy...already marching around like lthe ittle champions we hope someone gives them the opportunity to be. Next year will be just as exciting, now that we've bred the 3 new mares we picked up at the Heritage sale to 99. We also got an embryo X 99 out of our hard-working girl: Elsie (Easy Arrangement). Elsie has earned her oats around here from the start - whether it's in the barrel pen, heading steers, rising to the occasion as a hazing horse on short notice, packing Tate around and so on. She's one in a million so making the decision to include her in the "gene pool" was an easy one. Joining her on the stallion report this year will be Dashin Duncan Rose - my mare I've placed on at the pro rodeos etc. That decision was a little tougher. I had her listed for sale but everytime someone called I would get of fthe phone & start to feel regret... My life seems busy enough right now with 3 or 4 to ride so I was leaning towards letting her go, then I decided to get a baby off her & make the selling decision later on. Have my Cake & eat it too kinda deal.
As far as the competition arena goes - 2011 has started out pretty well. William won the Pro Rodeo in Medicine Hat in the steer wrestling. I took Katies Mine to 3 jackpots then entered her in her first futurity. She exceeded all my expectations which has kind of been her deal from the start...I say Jump - she says, "how high?!" What a worky, happy, tryin' little mare she is. I hope to have more to write about her as the summer goes on. Her little, big 3 yr. old brother, George will be packed along to see the sites as we go.
We are getting another little shower now & Kate's napping. Looks like I better run & muck out a few stalls. |
Winter News Update - 2011 |
Well, we are absolutely snowed under here at the Ranch. William has been piling snow with the tractor all winter. We are running out of places to put it! Many of the pens are plugged, full. There are drifts in places we've never seen before and the road to town is a challenge at best lately. The one good thing about it is that the spring pasture should have a decent chance now that there's all this "moisture" lying around. We're just hoping some of it disappears before foaling/calving season!
January has been very busy for us. Right after New Years we had the chance to meet Ryan & Jane Melby in Minnesota. Jane found a great match & new home for my barrel horse: Juice. It was great to meet the Melby family and also get to pet their superstar horse: RC BACK N BLACK, a daughter of Ninety Nine Goldmine. Jane & "Beauty" as she calls her are making a run at the NFR this year. We will be cheering them on every step of the way.
Shortly after this trip, I headed to Oklahoma to pick out a few broodmares at the Heritage Place Winter Mixed Sale. The horses, the people, the atmosphere... What a fun experience! We bought a super producing daughter of Streakin Six, a daughter of Dash to Chivato/ Sail on Bunny on the bottom side and a Daughter of Royal Shake Em - who's out of a daughter of Lanes Leinster. We will get some pictures & more info on them up as soon as we can. Seeing as I had flown down to the sale, I had to arrange transportation home for the mares. Jim & Brenda Hughes from Winners Circle Ranch are looking after the girls until we can get down there to pick them up. Poor things are sure to be shocked when they see this frozen world that is to be their new home!
Speaking of Jim & Brenda (99's former people) They told me a cute story I have to share...You hear all about stallions and their dispositions...We continually tell people how fabulous 99 is to be around, he's smart and gentle and has THE BEST disposition you could put on a sire. Turns out Jim used to ride him bareback with a rope halter back to his pen after collecting him! Not every day you find those kinds of "smarts" in a stallion!!
Recently we nominated “99” to the Bold Heart Breeders Futurity http://www.boldheartinc.net/
We’ve also included him in the JJ Classic Stallion Auction http://ubra.org/JJClassic/2011/StallionServiceAuction.html
And…finally the Canadian Barrel Horse Incentive Super Stakes Stallion Auction Runs Feb 1-28. Ninety Nine Goldmine will be included in that as well: http://www.canadianbarrelincentive.com/super_stakes.htm
Some great opportunities to buy a breeding fee & be included in extra incentives in the future! In today's economy, a person can't afford to be guessing when you pick out your prospects. Make it easy on yourself, ride a "99"!!
Fall Update - 2010 |
Well Fall is in the air here in Southwestern Saskatchewan. The leaves have turned color, crops are ripe and harvest is underway all around us. When it is this time of year I’m always reminded of Thanksgiving. So at the risk of sounding totally philosophical, I Thought I’d use part of this news update to reflect and give thanks.
2010 has been a pretty darn good year so far. Sure, some parts could be better, but they could be a lot worse too. We’ll stick to the good stuff: Starting with the birth of our perfectly healthy, happy little girl Kate in April. We’ve also enjoyed lots of love and laughter compliments of our Son Tate. The rains, though curse by some, have brought us bountiful crops and grass for the cattle and horses. William’s rodeoing didn’t go real well but he’s healthy, his horse is sound and is currently being enjoyed by his good friend Trygve Pugh. This reminds me, we’re thankful for all of our good friends and neighbors. One thing we’ve learned, having a stallion like 99, you sure do get to know a lot of horse people, from all over the place. We’ve made friends with many of our customers and keep in touch with the majority of them. So, even though the horse market is kind of tough right now, we’re rich in many ways on account of it.
We’ve had beautiful weather the past week or so. I’ve been very thankful for that!!! (Although I also think we DESERVE it after all the spring snow and cold summer that we’ve endured) I had the chance to help move the cows from the breed field to the South field last week during one of those warm, sunny afternoons. (I’m thankful that my mother in law; Heather watched the kids so I could partake) Tate even rode the last ways on his Pony and “raced” his Dad back to the truck when we were finished. I’m thankful for those special little moments & experiences we have together.
Some friends were here a while ago we had been visiting about authenticity of the “cowboy”. …We were chatting about how few real cowboys there are left in the world, all the while watching William ride a horse. Anyway, The horse William was riding proceeded to throw a pretty good fit, not really bucking but acting pretty darn Wild rearing & lunging around... William lost his hat but kept his seat rather handily. It was all quite western! I turned to our company and said, “That right there is what I’m talkin’ about… You can’t buy that sh## at Lammles!!!” This reminds me that I’m thankful that he is the way he is and I wouldn’t change him for the world.
I guess I’m thankful for our way of life in general. We get to spend time with our horses, make a bit of a living and most importantly, be together.
In Summary, Give & Give thanks and have a Happy Thanksgiving all!
Winter News - 2010 |
Feedback on one of Ninety Nine Goldmine's offspring: I have a 5 coming 6 gelding ...What a great horse. I have had him less than a year and the past month he has been consistently running in the 1d and 2d. I plan on entering the derbies this year and thought you should know what an amazing horse he is. Anyone can ride... super great with kids. He is a gentle giant that loves to please. I would buy another one in a heartbeat. I have some great videos of him as well. His registered name is Hopesalligot..his barn name is Stan... we call him Stan-The Man! I think he has all the elements to make an amazing horse! ... Justin Moore |
Well it has been quite a winter here so far. We are usually lucky enough to have a Chinook or two come through and give us a break …not the case this year! We’ve had a couple real nasty blizzards so far, persistant cold temperatures and more snow than usual.
There isn’t a whole lot to report at this time – just a few “tidbits”…
An interesting quote from the Billings Livestock October sale report reads, “Market solidity in the better using horses and top-end performance bred prospects. Demand continues to diminish for the plainer, thinner, more common type horses.”
With that said, it would be safe to say that you need something “SPECIAL” in your horses to ensure the marketability of them. That something “special” may just lie in a specific bloodline…read on…
The top 3 selling horses at the 2010 Winter Mixed Sale at Heritage Place (Oklahoma City) were all Strawfly Speical bred: High selling horse was Dashin Follies, a proven producing mare who is an own daughter of Strawfly Special sold for $875,000. Her daughter Coronita Cartel (sired by the great Corona Cartel) sold for $250,000 and the 3rd highest seller: Attempting Strawfly another direct daughter of Strawfly Special sold for $150,000. Note: Our stallion, Ninety Nine Goldmine is a son of STRAWFLY SPECIAL !
William & I attended a short course in Fort Collins, Co. on reproductive management & A.I. in mid January. We both really enjoyed the course, got a lot out of it and met some remarkable Veterinarians & staff there at CSU. After learning about how different stallions can be to collect & handle, we realize just how lucky we are with 99!
The JJ Classic Futurity (http://jjclassic.com/)held their Stallion Auction this month. I didn’t get 99 nominated until 3 days before the auction’s closing. Bidders showed great interest in him & ran him up to tie the highest selling stud fee in the auction (despite his short listing time!) Congratulations to Marcie Kahl of North Dakota on her winning bid!
I snapped a few pictures today after we caught 99 to trim his feet. He is like part of the family so we all posed for a “family shot”. I think he was even trying to give me a hug... Or just looking at how large I’ve gotten over winter…?! He is such a sweetheart to be around and truly does love people! “Spot” the dog was in the picture too…only facing the wrong way!
“Cool Girls” (Mare by 99) was the 3rd high selling horse out of 177 head at the Rapid City Stock Show Sale at the end of January. She is California bound! Congrats to seller Brenda Hughes & to the new owners as well!
The Canadian Barrel Horse Incentive SUPER STAKES stallion auction starts on February 15. We have donated a stud fee to 99 so check out the website & follow the auction to see how that one goes.

That is about all for now.
Stay warm all & lets hope spring is just around the corner! |
October 21 |
Fall News…
The regular season rodeos have finished up and it’s time to reflect back on our year. It was an up and down season for me, so proud of my horses at moments and frustrated beyond belief at other times! That’s barrel racing! My Dad told me a long time ago that if it were easy everyone would be out there doing it. (I’m finding he is right about a lot of things…). William is of course headed back to the CFR so he no doubt feels his year was a triumph. For him 2009 was about overcoming obstacles, staying positive and making the best of the hand ‘yer
dealt! It was slow until July and then pretty steady after that for him.
I’ve taken a bit of a “break” from the horses for the past few weeks – not entirely by choice as we were house-bound with colds, then flu followed by Tate having bilateral ear infection! Oh – and how could I forget the lovely snow storm after that! Lately I’ve been catching up on some woodwork projects and am now itching to get back at my young horses!
Our new broodmare: Suzanne made it here from Alabama…I don’t think she’s very impressed with the Canadian climate but she has put on weight & seems to have recovered from the long haul. Thanks to GOLD BUCKLE TRANSPORT for your professionalism & TLC hauling Suzanne. I took some pictures of her the other day but it seemed like all I did was chase her around the tree so I will try to get some better ones soon before she “hairs up”.
William has been busy hauling bales, hunting, and trying to get some practice in before the CFR. We are also rounding up materials for a new shedrow and set of runs we will build this fall to house mares in the spring.
The Todd Boggust memorial steer wrestling jackpot is this weekend at our good friend’s: Darren & Johanna Zieffle’s place. (Sounding Lake Arena) We look forward to a good time there. (hopefully some fast steer wrestling runs too)!!
That is about all the “news” I have for now. There is however a little “bragging” left to do: |
Congrats to Milt Rigetti on selling Ninety Nine Crime (by Crimewave, out of a “99’ daughter) at the CBHI sale – this yearling was the Reserve High-Seller
“Cheetah” ( 99 daughter raised & sold by Winners Circle Ranch) & Diane Moe continue their winning streak:
JJ Classic Futurity & Derby
October 10-11, 2009 - Verndale, MN
Futurity 2nd Go
1D 1st RC Back In Black, Diane Moe, 15.515, $344
UBRA World Finale (United Barrel Racing Assoc.) Verndale, MN. Oct 11
1D 1st Diane Moe, RC Back In Black, Diamond D Arena, 15.427,
Sunday Open
1D 1 Cayla Melby, Okie Barry Pine, Los Gauchos Ranch, 15.359,
2 Lynne Swanson, Cash In On Speed, 15.366
3 Sue Berg, Leos Legend, 15.479
4th Diane Moe, RC Back In Black, Diamond D Arena, 15.515
RC Back In Black was named 2009 UBRA Horse of the Year
MN Lakes Barrel Race
Oct 16-18/2009 Fergus Falls, MN.
Fut Average 1st
Futurity 1st Go -1st
Futurity 2nd go – 1st
Friday Open 1st
Saturday Open 1st
Sunday Open 6th |
Sept 8, 2009 |
Congratulations to Crystal Mason and HARLEENS GOLDMINE (X Ninety Nine Goldmine) for winning the Amateur Award at the Northern Lights Barrel Racing Futurity Sept 4-6th! |
Aug 25, 2009 |
Congrats to Diane Moe & RC Back N Black on her recent winnings at the MN NBHA finals!
* 1st place in the Open 1st go
* 1st in the Futurity 1st go
* 4th in the Open 2nd GO
* 1st in the Futurity 2nd Go
* 1st in the Futurity Average (by over 8 tenths!!)
Check out the details on the Barrel Horse World Forum:
RESULTS: www.mnnbha.com
Aug 17, 2009 |
I will start off our latest news with a quote: |
The major reason for setting a goal is for what it makes of you to accomplish it.
What it makes of you will always be of far greater value than what you get.
Jim Rohn ~ America’s Foremost Business Philosopher |
Recently I changed my goal for the season. I decided I would be happy if I ended up getting one cheque at a pro rodeo on each of my three mares I’ve competed on this year. Duncan has been oh-so-close a handful of times including a tenth out at Dawson last weekend. Finally at Cranbrook she “broke through” for a nibble…The ground was no good due to recent rain and the girl before me fell right down. Duncan handled it really well considering how new she is to this type of situation. It was just a small cheque but like the quote says, that is not where the real value lies!
I’ve got some barrel time in on the 3 year olds lately after mostly ‘ranch-riding’ them this summer. Wow! Is all I can say - what a nice pair of fillies, probably the most natural horses that I’ve started. One of them: “Fergie” is for sale as it seems there is just not enough of me to go around. She will make someone a very nice horse. I will keep Katie and futurity her to try to promote “99”.
Our foals are really growing and looking great. We kicked everybody out on grass for a few months and they sure are loving it! We will get them in to wean in September when we get the horses ready for the CHRHBA sale. As the secretary - I’ve been busy getting the catalogue ready and looking after the advertising as well. (More late nights at the computer!)
William’s rodeoing has been steady lately. He added a win to his list last weekend, splitting Pincher Creek. JD won 3rd there riding AJ. We head to Lethbridge for slack on Thursday then nothing until Kamloops on the 28th. While we are out in BC that weekend we will pick up one of our latest broodmare additions: “Star Water Two”, an own daughter of Firewater Flit out of a Magnolia Bar mare! We purchased this mare from Bill Robinson, a well-known horsemen from Okanagan Falls. Bill once owned Jet Of Honor and War Easy Jet! Needless to say, he knows a good horse when he sees one! We’ve also bought a Shawne Bug daughter from some wonderful people in Alabama. We are now in the process of getting a ride home for our“Ten Karrot Suzanne”! These 2 gals will no doubt have an enormous impact on our breeding program and we are excited to see how they cross on “99”.
Speaking of 99, I recently heard from another one of his offspring, a 3 yr. old filly named: ‘Money Flasher’ - she continues to light up the track in the Dakota’s for her current owners winning another race on June 21st ! Glad to hear of another “99” earning her oats!
In closing, I will leave you with another quote: God gives us dreams a size too big so that we can grow in them. ~Author Unknown |
July 28, 2009 |
Congrats to Diane Moe & RC BACK N BLACK (by Ninety Nine Goldmine) for winning the MBRA Futurity July 24-26 in Fergus Falls, MN |
Congratulations to Craig Reesor on his 2nd place finish in the ranch horse competiton in Medicine Hat on BRISK BUT KICKIN - a 4 yr old 1 Y bred & raised mare (By IT Saskinic out of Brisk Sugarite)! |
July 10, 2009 |
William is back in the "CFR hunt" now thanks to the haul he made at Ponoka! He, AJ & Elsie won right around $10,500. Clayton Moorse also rode AJ in the second round, winning it. Travelling partner & buddy: JD Hays won William's Lake and 6th at Airdrie with our "team". William & the crew are entered in Cheyenne and will be headed there after Morris. We're hoping they draw some good ones as AJ loves the setup there!!
We had a blast at Cochrane when CBC sent two guys out to do a "shoot" of Tate and his horse for their Stampede coverage. We might catch a glimpse of him on Sunday July 14th if any of it turned out!
The barrel racing is going so-so. Duncan was a tenth out at Airdrie - which I was happy with as it is a pretty small pen requiring "quick thinking" on her part. The excitement of Ponoka got to her a bit which I am chalking up to ' seasoning'!! After Cochrane I had Juice looked at by our vet who figures she's got some muscle soreness in her hind end. I'm having Tifarah Gone - our equine sports therapist come down to give her a going over. Juice is very sensitive and doesn't always trust people but she sure loves Tifarah and her massage machine.
We just sorted out the purebred groups yesterday and got some bulls kicked out. Fergie was great to sort on - even rode her in a halter the last half of the day.
We've had some nice rain showers this past week - keeping the pasture looking good so we are thankful for that! Well - I've got to go to another site and order some semen extender for the last few mares 99 has lined up.
Until next time,
Donna |
June, 2009 |
It finally feels like summer! Rodeo season is in full swing, the grass is green here and someone finally turned the heat on.
Branding day on June 23rd went great. Lots of eager help and good weather made for a productive day. Katie got to work the gate at the purebred branding (cut cows out from the calves). She was a star, biting at the pesky calves and pouncing in front of the persistent cows...even let me crack the bull whip off her to turn the stubborn ones back. Truly a reminder of how riding a great horse makes working cattle more like play than work!
On a sad note, we lost William's great hazing horse "Truckle" on June 19th. He lost a nasty battle with Pleural Pnemonia. Left with no other choice, William saddled one of my barrel horses, "Elsie" to fill Truckle's shoes. At her first rodeo as a hazing horse she made us money. (High River) From there it was William's Lake where they were winning 1st & 2nd when we left, again with her help. Next was the real test: Ponoka - Todd Maughan currently sits right in the thick of things with AJ and Elsie as his Equine team. So as our hearts are filled with sorrow, missing Truckle, they're also bursting with pride as we watch Elsie do her thing.
I've been riding Duncan at most of the rodeos lately. She was a tenth out at Wainwright and one, one hundreth out at High River. Juice has had some soreness in her back after slipping on every barrel at Marwayne. Chiropractor says a bit more time off and she should be good to go.
"99" is busy finishing up with his last few mares. Looks like there should be some nice colts off him next spring. Thanks to all the mare owners who supported us in this new adventure this season!
That's all for now
Donna |
Spring, 2009 |
Well - it is unquestionably the busiest time of year here on the ranch and we have decided to make more work for ourselves by purchasing a new stallion! We are so excited to introduce Ninety Nine Goldmine to Canada.
I bought a daughter of his last fall at the Hermanson-Kist sale and had the chance to see him out at Winner’s Circle Ranch along with several of his offspring. This spring we had purchased a breeding to him in the North Dakota Quarter Horse Racing Stallion auction. When the opportunity arose to buy him, it seemed like it was “meant to be”. We’ve got “Ninety Nine” home now where he is settled in. We are accepting a few select outside mares this year and will also be breeding our own. He is a dream to handle and has a wonderful disposition, always happy to see us! We are really fond of this horse already! Check him out on the stallion page.
The ’09 foal crop…or should I say, “filly crop” looks fabulous. The three by As Good As Nick Gets are cute and charming and the 2 All Star Special – bay fillies are compact and quick little girls! So far the only stud colt is by JBS Badges Déjà vu and out of “Moose”, “Spice’s mother. He is a stout one! Still waiting on Bunny to foal. I will post pictures soon and will also be accepting deposits on foals for sale.
The spring rodeos were decent for us. I rode Juice at all the indoor ones, placing everywhere that I didn’t tip a barrel! I will be going to a few local jackpots with “my girls” – Juice, Duncan and Elsie. At the last few Duncan has been outrunning the others but lacks “Rodeo experience” or I’d be riding her on the weekends too! Her or Elsie may get the call at some of the big outdoor pens.
William has AJ back on the road now (1st, 3rd and 4th at Maple Creek were all won on AJ)…He is also super excited about “Easy” – the grey Holland Ease gelding that he has now jumped a few steers on. He is unreal fast and has a phenomenal mind. “Spice” made her rodeo debut this spring on the hazing side and handled it like a champ so the future looks bright on the bull dogging end of things too.
Brandings have started, seeding is underway, there are cows to move, irrigating to be done, mares to breed, colts to cut, bulls to test and rodeos to get to! Right now the sun is shining and Tate is up from his nap so we better get back at ‘er.
© 1YQuarterHorses; All rights reserved |
Website by: Red Hawk Communications |
Photos by Mike Copeman, Sarah Timmons & 1Y Quarter Horses |